What Can You Do With A Dual Degree?

jobs with dual degreeJob opportunities are nearly endless when you graduate with a dual degree. A dual degree, also known as a double degree or the study as sometimes undertaking a double major, is earned by focusing your school studies on two main subjects as opposed to focusing on a single major. In many cases, this is a significantly easier route to take than earning a degree in one subject and later returning to college in order to earn a degree in another subject. What can you do with a dual degree? That all depends on what two subjects you choose to study. This article explores the pros and cons of participating in a dual degree program as well as just a few schools that offer this type of program.

What is a Dual Degree Program?

You know that many colleges and universities offer dual degree programs, but what exactly is a dual degree program? Dual degree programs are meant to allow students to earn more than one degree within the four to five years they plan to attend a college or university. Believe it or not, there are four different types of dual degree programs.

  • Associates/Bachelors
  • Bachelors/Bachelors
  • Bachelors/Masters
  • Two Types of Graduate Degrees (i.e., Masters/Doctorate)

It is possible for these degrees, particularly the dual bachelor degrees, to be in completely unrelated subjects. If you choose to earn two degrees that are not related to one another, your education and experience will allow you to qualify for significantly more career paths after you graduate.

Pros and Cons of Dual Degree Programs

Just like any other decision you make in life, if you are considering a dual degree program, it is important to weigh the pros and cons of the situation. Do the benefits outweigh the negative reasons? This section provides you with just a few ideas–both positive and negative–to keep in mind when deciding if applying to a dual degree program is the right choice for the plans you have for your future.

Pros of Dual Degree Programs

Participating in a dual degree program may sound intense, but it certainly has highly valuable benefits. There are many positive reasons to consider before applying for entry into a dual degree program. Just a handful of them are listed below.

  • Study two topics at once
  • Complete two degrees in less than six years
  • Helps build a stronger and more impressive resume

Cons of Dual Degree Programs

Like with any other situation, choosing to participate in a dual degree program also has its negative aspects. You may be thinking, “What could possibly be negative about earning two degrees in less than six years? There’s no better way to improve my future!” Before you go jumping to conclusions, consider the list below.

  • Heavier workload
  • Less time for socialization

Prerequisites for Dual Degree Programs

Colleges and universities around the world offer students the opportunities to participate in dual degree programs. Many schools, however, have specific qualifications for students to meet in order to partake in these programs. Some examples of requirements for dual degree programs are listed below.

  • Cumulative GPA of at least 3.0
  • Acceptance to the school of each major area of study
  • First complete freshman year
  • Successful interview and/or portfolio review

*Note: Law degrees and medical degrees take a particularly long time to complete, so it is not uncommon for those who choose to study some form of law or medicine to take advantage of dual degree programs. A dual degree program may be highly beneficial to you if you decide to pursue law or medicine.

Subjects of Dual Degrees

dual degreesStudents in dual degree programs typically go in with the intention of expanding their abilities within and their understandings of two topics that may or may not be related to one another. Usually if the two subjects are related, one is broader than the other. Just a few examples of subjects studied together in dual degree programs can be found below.

  • Law/Social Work
  • Law/Business Administration
  • Public Health/Psychology
  • Science/Entomology

Various areas of business and law are very popular pairings among students in dual degree programs at universities around the world. Studying both law and business helps students gain a better understanding of the goings-on in the world of business and how to ensure that businesses are being run legally.

It is also not unheard of for students to earn a dual degree with one degree being a foreign language. With the constant growth of diversity, possessing advanced knowledge of one or more foreign languages is especially helpful in the workforce and particularly impressive to employers.

Careers with a Dual Degree

Depending on the particular combination of studies completed within a dual degree program, the types of careers you may qualify far outnumber those for someone who has earned merely a bachelors degree in one subject. With such broad fields of study, opportunities are seemingly endless. A brief list of a few career examples is provided below.

  • Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
  • Psychologist
  • Social Worker
  • Director of Marketing
  • Accountant
  • Defense Attorney

Employment Opportunities with a Dual Degree

Tons of companies will want to snatch you up for your advanced knowledge and skills developed from completing a dual degree program. Depending on the types of degrees you have earned and their subjects, you will qualify to work in a multitude of offices for businesses around the globe. Examples of places you may find work are listed below.

  • Health clinics
  • Hospitals
  • Law enforcement offices
  • Law firms
  • Psychology offices
  • Schools

Dual degree programs are meant to help advance your knowledge in two areas of study, allowing you to earn two separate degrees in less than six years of classes at a higher education facility. Although participating in a dual degree program increases your workload, if you are skilled with time management and set your mind to accomplish these goals, you are bound to become even more successful in the business world.

This article is meant as a mere stepping stone on the grounds of your journey to discovering the higher education path that is right for you. Always be sure to do your homework, whether it is researching colleges or visiting college campuses or even just researching various subjects in order to find a career path that most intrigues you.